The skill system isn’t as deep as your standard RPG’s equivalent, but it gives you a fair amount of flexibility. Other abilities allow you to build faster characters capable of dropping stun grenades and sowing confusion on the battlefield. During my playthrough, I poured all my experience points into my shield ability, damage output, and both health and energy increases, essentially creating a tank character who could recharge his health and take a beating before going down. Though Ruiner never diverts from being a game about dodging foes and shooting them, this skill tree lets you customize your character a surprising amount. Every time I got a new ability, I grinned as I unleashed a new brand of wrath on the idiots who got in my way. The skill tree and leveling system is simplistic pleasurable to use. You also gain buffs that can boost your health and damage output. The action is always satisfying, with melee kills launching enemies across the level (their corpses landing with a sickening thud), and the limited-use firearms capable of blowing apart or even disintegrating them on the spot.īesides your melee weapon and firearm, you also have a number of abilities, like a shield that deflects bullets back and a shock grenade that stuns everyone nearby. The escalating challenge is well-paced, forcing you to master velocity and precision as you speed around arenas with your dash, dancing between bullets and breaking heads with your weapons. You start with pistol-toting gang members and graduate to robots and mutated monstrosities of flesh and wires that have more health and deadlier weapons. The straightforward, arcadey experience has several linear levels, each one composed of multiple arenas where you duke it out with enemies who become more powerful the further you get. The simple gameplay is clean and well-executed, with you controlling your character’s movements across isometric levels like crumbling parking garages and high-tech factories with the left analog stick and aiming with the right stick. You play an unnamed vigilante who’s willing to tear down an entire city with a steel pipe in one hand and gun in the other to find his missing brother. Pulling together bits from Oldboy, Akira, Transistor, and Hotline Miami, Ruiner never reaches the highest points of its genre, but is a fun romp through cyberhell that champions style over substance. The latest addition to the bunch is the unapologetically violent Ruiner. After being relatively quiet for a number of years, the cyberpunk genre has been making a loud return to video games with quality titles like Shadowrun Returns, VA-11 Hall-A, and Observer.