(And now you can even pay your bills through the app, making your life that much easier).

As for staying on top of your budget, the alerts feature lets you set up reminders for when your bills are due. You can use the app to create goals for things like saving or paying off debt and then link them to your budget. This enables you to see exactly where you're spending your money and to work towards separate savings goals. Mint's most popular feature is its budgeting tool, which allows you to set up specific budgets. But if you think you're safer keeping your information on your own computer with Quicken, remember that Home Depot, Michael's, and Target all thought the same thing. There haven't been any reports of Mint users having their information compromised to date - but that doesn't mean it can't happen. This one really comes down to what your individual preference is when it comes to security. Why Mint and Quicken Are Tied for Security Measures Like Mint, information processed through Quicken's app is stored in the cloud, so there's the added risk to consider.
Installing security software and setting up a firewall can help keep your information safe, but it's not a perfect solution. While that does mean that it's not floating around in cyberspace, there's still the possibility that hackers could get their hands on it. With Quicken, all of your account information is saved directly to your computer's hard drive. Plus, your bank login information is stored separately on Mint's servers - so even if someone was able to hack your account, they wouldn't be able to steal your user IDs or passwords. The fact that Mint stores data in the cloud may raise eyebrows with some, but the program uses the same 128-bit encryption and security measures employed by banks. Reports of security breaches dominate the news these days and consumers need to be more careful than ever when it comes to protecting their information. Check out these new top banks that people are talking about: You can see all of your linked accounts anywhere there's an Internet connection - meaning you don't have to take the extra step of syncing them up at the end of the day. Mint gets the thumbs-up for accessibility based on how straightforward it is to use.

So it basically works almost as well, but with some more manual work on your end. You can use the app to link to your checking, savings, and credit card accounts, but if you're using the desktop version of the software, then you'll have to manually sync to load up the latest transaction history.
While there is a Quicken companion app that lets you check your accounts from your phone, the software itself is designed to be installed on your Windows PC or Mac.

Things are a little different with Quicken. Whether you're logging in from your phone, iPad, or Kindle, you can easily check your spending, review your credit card balances, and evaluate how you're doing on your budget from anywhere.
While you can view your Mint account from your desktop, many prefer to keep tabs on their money through Mint's Apple or Android apps. The most obvious difference between Mint and Quicken is how users access the two programs.
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