It might be necessary to configure the network in some scenarios, notably on NAT: Strict, which disallows hosting sessions and allows joining sessions only on NAT: Open. There are no plans for a "Public" option, due to griefing concerns. Attempting to join the session via Session ID will result in it not being found. Private - Clients can only join the hosted session if invited using in-game invites.This also allows Session ID to be used, regardless of friend list status. Friends Only - Allows anyone in the host's friend list to join the hosted session from the Join Game menu without invitation.The following session privacy settings are available: To start a player-hosted multiplayer session, the host has to start an online session (a normal session like when playing in single-player, as long as the host has internet access and authentication servers are working normally) and then allow other players to join, or to invite those players (see sections below). A player can host a session or a dedicated server can be used. Until that is fixed, just close your eyes ¯\ (ツ)/¯.Currently there are 2 ways to play multiplayer. During scene transitions seizure-iduction flickering is happening.If someone knows how that stuff works, please let me know. The effects of Unity XR input tracking, SteamVR, and whatever VRGIN is doing on the various cameras is less than clear to me. Once that version of VRGIN makes it onto github, the repo can be updated to include it.
#Satisfactory vr mod#
The mod currently uses a patched VRGIN.dll from the AI-Shoujo VR mod by Ooetksh, not the included git submodule. Pressing touchpad left/right cycles through the finish options, pressing in the center actives the current active option. For now, moving the touchpad up/down acts as the mouse wheel for starting, speed up, and speed down.

If you need to force the game into non-VR mode while SteamVR is running and don't want to disable the VR mod for whatever reason, pass the -novr command line argument. If SteamVR is running, the game should start in VR mode. That should deposit HS2VR in BebInEx/plugins and openvr_api.dll in HoneySelect2_Data/Plugins.
#Satisfactory vr install#
Install the modĬopy BebInEx and HoneySelect2_Data folders into your game directory. This should show the game in VR, albeit without any UI. To check that VR is working, start Steam VR and run HoneySelect2.exe with the the option -vrmode "OpenVR". You can also find a pre-patched globalgamemanagers on discord. It won't allow you to overwrite the file in the game directory, so save it somewhere else and make a backup of your original globalgamemanagers before copying your patched version into HoneySelect2_Data.

This project is not being maintained anymore.